Friday, September 7, 2012

School Movie Night

Tonight my school had an awesome thing called movie night! It was totally, totally, totally fun. I'm serious. They put on the movie 'The Lorax' and we all go to watch it.

I got to bring my sleeping bag and my pillow.  They were showing the movie in the school gymnasium. Mommy and Daddy were able to come too! Before we went to the movie at my school, we picked up Jimmy Johns sandwiches for dinner and ate them at my school.

When we walked into the movie theater, err ... gymnasium, all saw a whole bunch of my friends I got to hang out with them during the movie. We played, shared lovies, chased each other. It was a blast. I cannot wait to do it again real soon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day!

Wow! What a fun day! Today was Labor Day. I don't know why they call it that. 

Mommy, Daddy and I got up early and rode to Galaxy to have some yummy breakfast. Then, we rode to baby store to pick out a great present for my new cousin that is coming. I bet she will love it. Then we rode a little further and went to the pet store. We saw the cutest kitties. Then we rode to the book store and I picked out some new books to read. Whew, it started to get hot, so Mommy, Daddy and I rode back to our house.

Later, we went over to spend time with our family. I got to put on my bathing suit and play in the water with my cousins, Emery and Anderson. We had so much fun. 

Uncle Eric was trying out his new grill and was cooking hamburgers for the family. They were delicious! Way to go, Uncle Eric.

What a day! I might need another day off to rest from my day off!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sheet Tent

Tonight Daddy and I put together a tent. Not just any tent though. A sheet tent. Daddy told me all about them and how much fun he had as a little boy sleeping in them. After hearing about it, I had to have one.

Daddy was right, they are a lot of fun. Daddy and I found a really, really laaarge sheet. Then we found some blinder clips, I think that is what they are called. Then we got a got a chair to act as one of the legs of our tent and we used the couch to help clip the sheet and prop it up.

After we put our tent up, we gathered more sheets and made a place to sleep in our tent. Daddy and I got some popcorn and watched cartoons. It was really a lot of fun. I can't wait to do it again real soon!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Wow! Yes! It is football season! I look forward to this time of year so much. 

Well, it looks like Mommy, Daddy and I needed new Longhorns shirts to wear to help support our team, so we went to the store to pick some out. Mine looks super cute and Mommy's is adorable.

This time was extra special because now Poppy was able to come to the game because he and Nami live here now! Wooohoo!

We went tailgating before the game. We met my great friend, Bella and her family at their tailgate. They really know how to tailgate. They even had their own smoker there. Bella and I played princesses until it was time to go to the game.

Mommy, Daddy, Poppy and I walked all the way to the tip, tip, tippy top of the stadium. We could see everything! We all had hot dogs and nachos. They were delicious! We were versing Wyoming today so I made sure I put on my extra sour face for them when they tried to take the ball from my Longhorns.

We stayed until it was really late. We won the game! Yeah, Longhorns! Fight! Fight! Fight!