Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Gram - Great Day

I had a really great day today! My teachers gave me a Happy Gram for being a good girl. Here it is:

Amelia had a great day today. She
has been doing a good job in class
also. She is always willing to help 
clean the book center and help pick
up around the room! She is a good
friend and will help out those who 
need it. Good Job Amelia!

Mommy, Daddy and I went to Auntie Aya and Uncle Eric's house for dinner. We got to tell them all about our trip to Paris and London and I got to see Emery and Anderson and give them presents. We gave them each a red, double-decker bus. I brought my yellow school bus to show them the difference. Auntie Aya made Aunt Martha's for dinner. It was great!

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