Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ameliaism of the evening:

Amelia: Daddy, Mommy and I think you are a lunatic.

Daddy: Is that right?

Amelia: Well, not so much Mommy. I think you are a lunatic. Mommy is kind of crazy, but you are a lunatic.

Daddy: Good night, sweetheart. Love you.

Amelia: Good night, Daddy! Love you, too!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pre-K Graduation!

I have officially graduated from Pre-Kindergarden!! It was such a fun graduation ceremony. They played music, we marched in, sang a song, and bowed! Then we got our diplomas!! Primrose had lots of funny photos of my friends. Next stop... Kindergarten!

Me and my cousins!! 

My greatest loves!

They're smoooooshing me!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nami & Poppie

Last night I was having a chat with Mommy and Daddy about our summer vacation. Mommy said that we are going to visit Nami, Poppie, Allison, Auntie Sammy and Uncle Joel!! Yippeeeeeee!!! I can't wait. I asked her when, and she said in a couple of weeks!! I think that's just too long from now!

But it got me thinking... I thought Nami and Poppie were moving to Texas?? I asked Mommy and she said not until NEXT summer. I told her that was just too long and that she should tell them they need to move here now. I think I'm going to have to talk to Nami about it when I visit her.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cherry Tomato Cheeks

I promise... Mom made me do it.

Ballet Beauties

Just a few other photos of me and my girl Bella from my ballet recital:

Monday, May 23, 2011


After our long ride we went to the pool for our first swim of the summer. The water was too cold for Mommy to go in, but Daddy and I had a great time. I loved doing the mermaid jump and daddy didn't mind getting spashed... not one little bit!

Daddy... again, again, again, again!!!

Bike Riding to the Wildflower Center with Mommy and Daddy

A few weekends back Mommy, Daddy, and I went for a long bike ride to the Ladybird Wildflower Center. It was REALLY HOT but we still had a great time! I think Mommy and Daddy were hotter than I was. I just chilled in my chariot while Daddy pulled me around the city. I had snacks, my princesses, and a few lovies to keep me company.

First I wanted to show you some pictures I took of myself while I was in the chariot:

This picture is Mommy and Daddy's favorite.
Every time they look at it they laugh really hard.

Here are some pictures Mommy took of me at the Wildflower Center:

Next up... The Mermaid Jump!

Will you marry me?

This morning I asked Daddy a very important question while i was brushing my teeth and getting ready for school. I looked over at Daddy and asked him if he would marry me when I get older. I'm not sure why, but Daddy smiled really wide. He looked at me and said, "Of course I will." Then Daddy said that he loved me very much.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Mommy painted my face just like Howard!
I love my Mommy's friend's doggy, Howard! I met him today at the Austin Doggie Dash. Mommy's really great friend, Veronica, brought him to run in the race. He was dressed in a really great hot dog costume for our 5K race. We all had a great time. 

Somehow I need to convince Mrs. Veronica that she needs to leave Howard with me before she moves to New York. I have a few weeks, endless play money, and an army of doggie lovies at my disposal. He will be mine. Oh, yes, he will be mine.

He's such a good runner!

Walking my dog... Guess which other dog I love??? Yep, that's right -- Snoopy!

Don't I look good with my new dog, Howard?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ballet Recital

Sunday was my FIRST ballet recital. It was so much fun!! Mommy and Daddy, Auntie Aya, Uncle Eric, Anderson, Emery, and Sydney and her mommy and daddy all came to cheer me on. There were lots and lots of people watching, but I wasn't scared. I just danced and danced. Mommy and Daddy said I did a great job and looked so beautiful in my costumes. I hope I get to wear them lots more times because they were so cool.

I even got to get at trophy!! I asked Mommy to take a picture of it so I can show all of you.

I was sad that Nami couldn't make it, but next year I know she'll be there watching me dance.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I think that I may have come to a compromise with Mommy on Daddy. Last night when we were at dinner, I told Mommy that Daddy and I were boyfriend and girlfriend and that Mommy and Daddy were husband and wife. I think that she liked this decision.

I'm happy sharing Daddy ... for now. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

To the best Mommy in the whole world! You are so cute! I love how you make me laugh and working in the garden with you! You are such a good Mommy to me, Mommy. I love you!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here are some interesting things that I said this evening that made Mommy and Daddy laugh.

"Daddy, remember when you ran the captain K?"

"I can take my own bandages off because I am awesome and because my lovies teached me."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Playing with my cousins!

I love my cousins so much. This weekend I got to spend a lot of time with them. Today I saw them at dinner time when we all met at Rudy's Barbecue. Yum!

We had the best time at dinner and even more fun chasing each other on the field behind the restaurant.

Emery and Anderson were so cute. We all screamed and ran around. It was so fun!