Tuesday, February 28, 2012


(Getting ready for bed)

Amelia: Daddy, you have to remember for my whole little kid life, when it is cold, I need a jacket for school and when it is hot, I don't need a jacket. OK?

Daddy: Sounds like a plan, sweetheart. I will remember that.


Well, this week my Mommy is helping my Nami, so she had to get on a plane to go to her house. I miss her already, but I am happy to share my Mommy because if anyone can help Nami feel better, its my Mommy. She always knows the best thing to do to make me feel better.

Here is a letter that I wrote to her today:

It says:

Dear Mom, You're awesome. 
You're fun. I Love You

I cannot wait to give it to her when she gets home!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Guess what? I have been working on a class project called a diorama. Sounds fancy, doesn't it? It has really been a lot of fun! I made a diorama of mountains and animals that live in the mountains. I got to use this stuff called paper mache. It is really is really neat! Then I got to get these neat animal figures to put in my diorama. It was a lot of fun and I want to make another one for my animals to play in.

Here is my finished diorama:

Friday, February 24, 2012


Amelia: Daddy, do you know that the first people were scientists?

Daddy: Really? I think that you are right.

Amelia: Yeah, they were. I know.

Daddy: What kind of scientists were they?

Amelia: You know, scientists.

Daddy: Were they born with lab coats on?

Amelia: Yes.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I love to draw pictures of my family and friends. Here are some pictures that I drew over the vacation, which I wish were just one more day.

This is a picture of my cousins Emery and Anderson and I. I really love being with them.

Here is a picture of Mommy, Daddy, my friend Bella and I:

Isn't my Mommy so beautiful? Of course, I have my princess crown on in this picture.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


[Amelia is drawing in the back seat of the car with her smoothie in her cup holder next to her]

Mommy: Wow, this smoothie is really good. I think Daddy and I should have Amelia's smoothie too.

Amelia: Noooooo.


Amelia: I'm waaaatching yoooou.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Anniversary Date Night

Today, Mommy and Daddy celebrated the anniversary of their first date and they wanted me to celebrate with them. Their first date happened on February 16th. Mommy and Daddy and I all celebrated by getting all dressed up and going out to a nice dinner and then we were going to go to see Beauty and the Beast.

Mommy and I wore very pretty dresses. I even got to wear a little makeup on my cheeks. My mommy looked so pretty.

Daddy wore a very nice outfit and picked us up to go on our date. He rang the doorbell and had a flower for each of us.

We went to a restaurant called Fino. It was really fancy. Much different than Torchy's Tacos. I got to have all sorts of new foods like pork belly, a beet salad with fried cheese, butternut squash pasta and lots of other good things. I even got to have my own special drink called a Shirley Temple. It was really good. 

Then we were going to go to a donut place called Gourdough's. We went outside to our car and we were all freeeeeeeeeeeeezing. We decided it was too cold to go to Gourdough's and instead went and got ice cream from the grocery store and went home, snugged up in Mommy and Daddy's bed and watched "How to Tame Your Dragon". What a nice evening.

Smiley face breakfast

I love Fruity Cheerios for breakfast. Mommy and Daddy say that it is good for me too. Daddy has been making pictures in my cereal in the morning. On Valentine's Day, he made a heart in my cereal and it was really neat when he poured the milk in because the picture stayed in one place, but just raised as the milk poured in.

Today he made me a smiley face. I really love my morning breakfast.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Shadow Day Part II

My day trying out the new school was AWESOME!! Everyone in the class I visited was really nice and the teacher the best! The class had four pets - a guinea pig, a mouse, and two fish. They were also growing baby chickens inside their eggs. The school was celebrating their 100th day of school so we did lots of things where we had to count to 100. I must have counted to 100 like 100 times! We had a party with cake (with 100 sprinkles) and lollypops. Yep, you've guessed it -- there were 100 of them, but I only got to eat one. We went to art class and gym. It was the best day.

Later on in the day I was having dinner with mommy and daddy and I turned to mommy and said, "Mom, I forgot to bring my 100 day of school project to school! All my friends had it but me." She then reminded me that I don't go there yet. Silly Amelia!!

Yesterday morning I was so upset because I had to go back to Primrose. I really wanted to go to my NEW school. Stay tuned! I'll let you know where mommy and daddy decide to send me!