Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Garden

Mommy, Daddy and I have started planting our spring garden. Here's what we're planting this year:

1. Blackberries
2. Blueberries
3. Raspberries
4. Strawberries
5. Beets
6. Carrots
7. Broccoli
8. Cauliflower
9. Green Beans
10. Tomatoes
11. Potatoes

We are also growing catnip inside. Mommy said it will make Chloe crazy!!

I'm planting beet and carrot seeds.

Time to water the broccoli and cauliflower plants.

The strawberry plants look dead now but mommy said they will start growing any minute.

Can you see the rows? It's been a few days and we've got baby carrots and beets coming up!! Yippee!! Mommy loves beets.

Valentines Day

Just a few quick photos we took at our Valentines Day picnic at Town Lake. Love to you all.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wedding Day!

We had the best day today! We got to see a real princess get married today! Our friend Veronica got married to Rob! It was so great! They had the most beautiful wedding at this beautiful church. Rob was so handsome and Veronica was a real life princess. I made a really great friend today, too! Her name is Isabelle and she is so awesome! She and I had the best time and loved playing princesses, dancing with each other at the reception, eating together at dinner, chasing each other around the restaurant, going outside and looking at the peacocks, and just all around great fun!

We had such a great day! I was sad to go, but I hope to see Isabelle sometime soon! She is great!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Gram

I had a great day in school today. My teachers gave me a Happy Gram today. and told me I did a good job reading in class. Here is what my Happy Gram said:

Amelia had a great day today! In reading, she loved reading our poem and even read several words on her own! :) She was able to answer all of the comprehension questions after the poem and story! Way to go Amelia! Keep up the great work! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daddy and I go to the Mall

My Daddy needed a suit for the wedding that we are going to this weekend. I took Daddy to the mall this evening to help him pick out a suit. There was a so much to choose from, but I think the outfit we picked out makes my husband look very handsome. Once we got that business taken care of, it was on to Build-A-Bear. Daddy and I looked at the new outfits for the animals. Daddy and I saw that they now have really cute shoes for them to wear and also new mini animals to choose. So cool!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Trip to the Capitol

Today, I got to stay home with Daddy. We played really hard in the morning and then went to have lunch with Mommy.

Then, Daddy and I took a trip to see our state's capitol in Austin! Wow! I kept telling Daddy how huge that building was and how excited I was to go inside.

I was wondering when we were going to run into President Obama. Daddy said that he did not work there and that he worked at another kind of capitol building. I was still sure that I was going to see him though. Daddy and I walked around inside. I really liked visiting the senate and house chambers and looking out under the rotunda.

It was really neat seeing what Daddy said were the DPS troopers protecting the capitol. Three of them got in the elevator once. They looked like cowboys and were very nice to me. I kept cool though. I was not going to go to the pokey today.

Daddy and I would like to go back with Mommy and maybe have a picnic and visit the capitol again. Maybe President Obama will be there next time.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Story Time!

My school is having this awesome book fair. Today, Mommy and Daddy bought one book to donate to my class called "Rhyming Dust Bunnies" by Jan Thomas and one for me to take home called "Zoomer" by Ned Young. My teacher read "Rhyming Dust Bunnies" in class and it was a little scary.

Tonight Mommy and Daddy read "Zoomer" to me:

Of course, all of my lovies had to hear the story too! I set them all on top of Mommy like they were in a movie theeayter (I am pretty sure that is how it is spelled, because that is how I say it). It was the funniest story. Mommy, Daddy and I thought that it was a really fun book and we all laughed. I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

Happy Gram!

Awesome! I got a Happy Gram! from my teachers today for doing a great job. Mommy and Daddy helped me read it. Here is what it said:

Amelia did a good job in Art today. We drew our parents and she had so much fun. We have been talking about our families and she has done a great job sharing in class. Good job Amelia!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Date night

Mommy and Daddy had a date night tonight and I got to go to my friend Bella's house and play after school. It was so fun. We went to the play ground and ran until our legs were tired. The we went back to Bella's house and Mommy and Daddy picked me up and took me home. Daddy gave me an Oreo cookie as a special treat. I love to open the cookie and lick the frosting all up. So delicious. I love date night!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Great day with family and friends

Today I had a great day! I got to spend the morning with a lot of my family! We celebrated Auntie Aya's birthday at the Salt Lick. Mmmm yummy! I brought my puppies, Oodle and Groodle. I also got to see Lucy (Tia, Tio, and Auntie Jessica's dog) later that afternoon! Auntie Aya and Uncle Eric also brought an awesome chocolate cake for us to eat. So delicious! Emery and I played with my puppies after we ate. Emery really loved my puppy, Oodle.

Later that day, Mommy, Daddy and I went to my friend Bella's house to watch the Superbowl. Bella told me about a big project that she had been working in her room and asked if I could help her. We went to work on it while the adults watched their game. It is all real hush, hush so I won't talk about what we were working on here. After many movies, cookies, chocolate kisses and cheers from the adult's room, we went home.

What a great day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Auntie Sammy!!

I love you!!


What do you get when you cross a cow with a duck?

Milk and quackers...


You've heard that one? How about this one:

Where do cows like to go on a first date?

To the moooooovies!


Have a great weekend!

miss amelia

Snow in Austin!!

Apparently the last time it really snowed in Austin was WAY before I was born. Mommy said it was on Valentine's Day in 2004. That was before we lived here too. But this morning we woke up and everything was covered in snow! It was so beautiful. Mommy, Daddy, and I got all bundled up and went out to play in it. We made lots of snow angels and Daddy made a little snowman. As we were playing a few of my best gals, Lilli and Lauren, came up to our house and we all played together. It was COLD!! I was so glad Mommy made us all hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.

Mommy is home with me today because school is closed. Her office is closed too. She said it was too dangerous to drive to work and so we're going to make cookies and just snug up! The snow is already melting but I'm glad I got a chance to play in it!

Me, Mommy and Daddy all bundled up!

Pretty Family

Getting ready to make a snowball

here's goes!

haha! I hit daddy!

My first snow angel

Daddy's is so much bigger!

Daddy working on a snow man.

My first taste of snow. I think it needs sugar!

Daddy's little snow man

Lauren, Lilli and I sitting in the snow

I was covered in snow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another sick day

I am feeling a lot better, but Mommy and Daddy say I need to stay home one more day just to make sure. 

Today I cozied up on the couch with my lovies and got ready to watch my stories for the whole day and just tried to relax.

I am so excited that it my snow this week!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home sick today

Today I woke up with a fever and mommy and daddy said I had to stay home. So I snugged up on the couch with all my friends and watched princess movies. Sadly my favorite movie, Tangled, isn't out on DVD yet so I watched Tiana, Aurora, and Tinkerbell instead.

I had to have all my lovies with me.

And later I took a nice long nap.

Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow because I miss my friends and want to go to school!!