Thursday, February 17, 2011

Story Time!

My school is having this awesome book fair. Today, Mommy and Daddy bought one book to donate to my class called "Rhyming Dust Bunnies" by Jan Thomas and one for me to take home called "Zoomer" by Ned Young. My teacher read "Rhyming Dust Bunnies" in class and it was a little scary.

Tonight Mommy and Daddy read "Zoomer" to me:

Of course, all of my lovies had to hear the story too! I set them all on top of Mommy like they were in a movie theeayter (I am pretty sure that is how it is spelled, because that is how I say it). It was the funniest story. Mommy, Daddy and I thought that it was a really fun book and we all laughed. I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes.

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