Friday, February 3, 2012

Shadow Day Part II

My day trying out the new school was AWESOME!! Everyone in the class I visited was really nice and the teacher the best! The class had four pets - a guinea pig, a mouse, and two fish. They were also growing baby chickens inside their eggs. The school was celebrating their 100th day of school so we did lots of things where we had to count to 100. I must have counted to 100 like 100 times! We had a party with cake (with 100 sprinkles) and lollypops. Yep, you've guessed it -- there were 100 of them, but I only got to eat one. We went to art class and gym. It was the best day.

Later on in the day I was having dinner with mommy and daddy and I turned to mommy and said, "Mom, I forgot to bring my 100 day of school project to school! All my friends had it but me." She then reminded me that I don't go there yet. Silly Amelia!!

Yesterday morning I was so upset because I had to go back to Primrose. I really wanted to go to my NEW school. Stay tuned! I'll let you know where mommy and daddy decide to send me!

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