Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sheet Tent

Tonight Daddy and I put together a tent. Not just any tent though. A sheet tent. Daddy told me all about them and how much fun he had as a little boy sleeping in them. After hearing about it, I had to have one.

Daddy was right, they are a lot of fun. Daddy and I found a really, really laaarge sheet. Then we found some blinder clips, I think that is what they are called. Then we got a got a chair to act as one of the legs of our tent and we used the couch to help clip the sheet and prop it up.

After we put our tent up, we gathered more sheets and made a place to sleep in our tent. Daddy and I got some popcorn and watched cartoons. It was really a lot of fun. I can't wait to do it again real soon!

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