Sunday, December 27, 2009


And then there were the presents! Here are just a few of my favorites:

From Santa (that guy is great... he got me all three things I asked for):

What can it be?

It's the Wendy music box I asked for. AWESOME!!

I love it!

It's beautiful!

Max loves his gigantic bone too!

Next up... A castle from Auntie Sammy, Uncle Joel and Allison for my princesses! It is so great! they all fit inside!!

Mom? Can you open it PLEASE! I know I've got all these other presents but I need to try this one out first!

Yes! Cinderella loves it!

Last up... this HUGE box from Grandma and Grandpa Coleman. What on earth could it be? Mommy and Daddy were very interested too. It was big and HEAVY!

Holy Cow! It's a fabulous doll house complete with a family (including a mommy, daddy, big sister, and a twin girl and twin boy)!

Mommy and daddy helped me set it up but haven't taken a photo of it in its new spot in my playroom. They got a special table for it and everything!

I also got presents from:

-         mommy and daddy - including an Ariel doll that swims in the bath tub and pajamas.
-         Auntie Aya and Uncle Eric - a princess tent and a beach towel with my name on it, and the pajamas I'm wearing.
-         Nami and Poppie - a whole lots of different things
-         Great Aunt Lynda and Uncle Boyd - finger puppets
-         And Emery and Anderson’s Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Jessica - special princess ornaments

I'm so lucky I have so many people who love me. You guys are so wonderful! I love you!

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