Monday, November 23, 2009

We're going to Nami and Poppie's for Thanksgiving

This entry is from Mommy:

Scene Opens: Handsome man walks into a darkened bedroom, turns on the light, and sits on the edge of a bed where a pretty little girl sleeps.

Daddy: (sweet and tender voice) Good morning sweety... it's time to get up to go to school...

Amelia: (sniff, sniff) No... (tears)... I don't want to go to school. I want to go see Nami and Poppie. (Continues to cry while being comforted by daddy)

(Enters Mommy)

Mommy: Oh sweety, we're leaving tomorrow to see them, but you need to go to school today.

Amelia: (pulls covers up over head) NOOOO!!! I don't want to go to school. I WANT TO GO TO NAMI AND POPPIE'S HOUSE! (major tears)... Mommy... I need a hug.

End Scene

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