Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of Pre-Kindergarten!!

Today was my first day of pre-kindergarten. It was great! All my friends looked so pretty and handsome in their uniforms. Mommy and daddy both brought me to school. They took lots of pictures and were really silly about the whole thing. Mommy kept saying that she couldn't believe what a big girl I am. Duh... of course I'm a big girl. I'm almost four!
School girl in knee socks. They ROCK!

Family Self Portrait

Me and... you guessed it... my husband!
Mommy and I
Tea and I had the same dress on! How did that happen?
Don't we all look pretty!
Here I am with Tea, Sydney and Reagan.
Here's my new classroom!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Oh man she looks so adorable!! And all her friends........ack! Now I am crying!!