Tuesday, September 6, 2011

At My New Old School!

Well, I started my first day back at my new school. Actually, it is my first school. After about a year at my other school, I decided, after much soul searching, that I wanted to go back. Mommy and Daddy took me on my first day.

There are so many kids in my new class! I was a little nervous for at least two minutes. There were all of these faces that I did not know. I made a new friend really quickly though. She even said that she was going to come to my birthday party. I got to see a lot of my old friends and I made all new ones too. I now have more friends than I have lovies.

I really like my new teachers. They are awesome! I learned all sorts of great things today. I learned about poison ivy and I got a book from my teacher to take home to read on my own. I even got a new backpack. I told a funny joke at school today, too.

Well, I have to go to bed! I need to get my princess beauty rest!

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